Elephant, Johnson's Baby and Patri Cucu
Two years, and not a day that you remember before going to sleep ... a grandmother and a baby is born. The secrets that only the anniversary of your departure I dare to confess aloud lively start, because this February 6 Lucy came into the world. My first childhood friend pregnant mother was the same night ... Lucia, light ... And when I am aware of the coincidence or causality is when I know I look for the elephant that Julia already has to share with Lucia as well. Because that baby doll with me every night for months, perhaps too many to sleep.
has been a very difficult grandmother. And before you write these letters I reread your story, remember your gait aisle, your exercise of going out and looking at me the strength that you always had for months ... but I felt strong, and I was not happy, and acknowledge there were moments that did not even want to because I did not think it was worth, not in this life, not in this world, not in our family, what was your heritage and your legacy? What makes so many hearts united by the love I had in disputes over a lot full of feelings? Which of your children underestimated your will, forget your kindness and faces his sibling to share a picture, a book or a memory gem for all your grandchildren? Who learned lust, the only grandfather nougat distributed among the kids Christmas for everyone to have their "lasquita? Who learned greed, if your house was home to children and grandchildren, with prior notice and without him, because "while there was water in the tap potage for all"? There are no valid excuses, and they are 2 years and as 12 navels not seek love and respect you have, if not among them, at least in IT at its heart, ... many more that will ... So your family, that is mine is away, fighting, questioning, criticizing, condemning and I can not understand, and as no explanation it ask me where I can not find ...
Elephant, Johnson's Baby and Cucu Patri ... I went to the Sahara, and I know you're proud of me for the Memory of the Desert, because I saw the dunes, I felt under my feet after the outbreak of the mine and brought me home safely, also to your other home. .. Tegueste. April 24 and 28 years became Tegueste Neverland in my country and my brother and friends for a day went and played as Lost Boys without the ticking crocodile ... it was a birthday party where everyone came back to believe we got the wings and fairy dust fly, play, laugh and we broke the pinata ... as before, as always, as many times as a child ...
But behind this tale of fantasy days later a SUV me back to reality and since then elephant sleeps with me every night ... the nights sleep, the nights I do not think, the nights spent in the bathroom to wash my face, to give the body, take something for pain ...
From spring to summer Cristinichu wanted to go home, your home and smelled the Neftalina drawers, and open the windows, and found old photos, we joked about poker dice and talk, long time, a lot ... and asked for forgiveness for being so far away, love it so much and never tell them ... that is Tegueste, at least for me, I have been home to only the people you want.
neftalina In autumn took me to Johnson's Baby, and I met again with your scent! so every night I spend at home spray my pajamas, my pillow and elephant with him because the world was when I finally collapsed. And well into the winter I write these letters, broken in pain because I could not be stronger, no more stupid, I knew I did not know to be more aware of me and you, and we failed ... not let you be the angel to guide me, and I for me sick ... I promised one thing only, just like grandma Cefe, caring, and I did not, and that is my sole responsibility ... but blue eyes, freckled led me to you a few days ago, I remembered my promise, and even now I sit on the darker background, end, and as she told me, no light in the morning ... you went Lucia was born two years later ... Coincidence or causality? ... I still Malito, and make decisions that leave me now the soul in two, between the heart that stops beating and the reason we constantly need an explanation for both "pain" ... Light does see my shadow, accompanying me, it's me but do not know see ... Dad then I wrote "If you turn on the light, you'll see your shadow be as large as many people who are with you" ...
For you grandma, and this year also Patri Cucu, which together fly to freeze to fill the city of magic and color because we have to each other, and because you travel with us too, she'll have in your hands with your rosary and I will take every day with your smell ... We're going to a church and light a candle for you, we will have our special memories, never forget you, and of course you always want to ... you know ... From here to where the stars and back!
Your granddaughter, S.