In this campaign I have enjoyed many of the promises of some politicians. The more stupid, more emphasis put on, no matter how absurd their claims. These days I read a great book by Eduardo Punset called "The Soul is in the brain"
Straddling this great book and Networks page, I find some phrases that possibly explains why some politicians are so good lie, and why are attracted to money and power.
Yes and do not like using the term psychopath, but are all areas where you can get anything, from water wells, farmland or wherever they have power or prestige. Where can I get money there will well dressed and intelligent psychopath who brings these things and will do very well for it. So there are many areas: business, politics, etc, in which the intelligent psychopath find a comfortable home. "Robert Hare.
Years ago I read a fun book "nonverbal communication" Flora Davis.
applicable to political behavior, I take the ability to lie without eyes betray you. The reason is simple, the brain does not like lying, and when he does with words, often betrays a movement to the right eyes for a moment before speaking the lie. They also tend to look away while it is pronounced, using stutter tone or show a sudden discomfort in the seat. Most professional
, stare at a fictitious point away in the direction of the listener, but not looking directly at the listener, and with eyes devoid of emotion. Reveals only a slight flicker to them a few seconds earlier. It seems that when you close your eyes try to avoid the critical eye the listener.
promise to revisit the issue of communication other day. As I am on day of reflection, I do not go too much tax on the subject, but for samples of lies, the claims of some politicians who have been removed soon after, and dramatically. But they , still keep their words, regardless of the severity of the harm caused, and the consequences of their actions or words. Or the corruption cases in which innocence is maintained even after final judgments, calling it "harassment" by security forces and justice ... This Sunday we are politicians after the elections de haber sido condenados en varias ocasiones por corrupción... y con el beneplácito de la dirección regional y nacional de su partido.
Acabo con unos enlaces.
La comunicación no verbal:
El alma está en el cerebro. Eduardo Punset
Redes. Entrevista con Robert Hare.
Y no olviden aplicar la moraleja escéptica de Mario Bunge este domingo:
Pd. Before voting maximum use is also Kathleen Taylor:
"Stop, think, think"
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