Hi! Today is the day after my GRADUATION! and I still can not find words to express how I felt yesterday minimally, how I feel today and the memory and significance so big it has to me what happened this week ... I leave a small sample pictures of what was my graduation ... I finished the course in June and did not go to the border for many reasons, but for me it was important to celebrate the efforts of recent years and what better to do with people who accompanied me on this long road one way or another, people who love me and care for me, and I admire, love and desire to remain part of my life because they are goblins that delude and make the dreams of lost children ... as my godfather ceremony today in the land of Neverland sign language is spoken ...
... more event details in the next post, really I have no words now, they advance the images and a video of Gaudeamus Silvitus (click here) were invented, rehearsed and sang ... Thanksgiving is little
were made robe, cap and tassel to attend the event, but before pre-dinner Ibiza graduation ceremony
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