Response to the private mine that I have sent the moderators
Hello Moderators have been investigating certain public manifestations of users who say that you've been organizing trips (and I appreciate it), buying tickets ferry or booking hotels, on a commission basis.
I've never organized excursions anyone watch the expressions of the people! People ask me advice on routes, sites, guides, temples, things to do and I recommend sites and tours, I've never organized one trip, I have only recommended routes according to what I personally like and then people have done what he wanted.
not have organized or organized excursions! When many people come by the NGO, they contact me ask for my advice and ask me to guide them on tours and that's what I merely to organize anything at all !!!!!!!! Each does what he wants and decide.
I bought tickets fast boat to the Gili when people ask me for information and asks me to buy them, never have never gone after anyone selling tickets!!
If people come by the NGO and tell me that if I can buy the ticket for the boat as I do, because, as I said we get commission por ello, pero nunca nunca lo he hecho de forma descarada, comercial o imponiéndome a la gente, a la gente le doy la información que me piden y luego cada uno elige libremente donde se quiere sacar los billetes o lo que sea!!!!
Y he reservado hoteles de igual manera, cuando la gente me lo ha pedido y cuando saben perfectamente que si les reservo yo los hoteles nos dan una comisión para la ONG, no lo he hecho nunca nunca a cambio de una comisión, lo he hecho siempre por ayudar y a cambio nos han dado una comisión que es muy diferente!!!!!
Tenemos un blog en el que explicamos el tema de las comisiones en los sitios, la gente que lee ese blog sabe el tema de las comisiones y luego me preguntan en el foro por reservas de hotels, rafting, massages and boats ... ... ... .... as long as the commission has been and is a side issue to all the information you have given your forum or blog, my support has always been totally and wholeheartedly, disinterested and I think people have always understood it !!!!! also appears to have taken to send private information to offer such services, without such services were requested by the user. I rarely
brazenly offered these services if the people asked me because they read my blog.
I admit that in very very few I could send a pm to people telling them they want to do rafting if they wanted to help the NGO we could book a rafting them, but have been very very few cases and do not think even 5% of all sent messages I do not think it's something significant or keep in mind because those are the exceptions isolated
I can not believe that four messages now appear in public on that I've helped people and the NGO and takes a commission, ye taking this decision, when I can not believe that any of the people that I would have sent a message to any of these issues have been molested or may have seemed a commercial message, the business side I believe only what you see, is but of course is a personal opinion and I can be totally wrong, always I do not care very much the star in the forum or speak to the issue of NGO committees, at least in public, and look at the bottom as things go !!!!!!!!!!
I've never organized excursions anyone watch the expressions of the people! People ask me advice on routes, sites, guides, temples, things to do and I recommend sites and tours, I've never organized one trip, I have only recommended routes according to what I personally like and then people have done what he wanted.
not have organized or organized excursions! When many people come by the NGO, they contact me ask for my advice and ask me to guide them on tours and that's what I merely to organize anything at all !!!!!!!! Each does what he wants and decide.
I bought tickets fast boat to the Gili when people ask me for information and asks me to buy them, never have never gone after anyone selling tickets!!
If people come by the NGO and tell me that if I can buy the ticket for the boat as I do, because, as I said we get commission por ello, pero nunca nunca lo he hecho de forma descarada, comercial o imponiéndome a la gente, a la gente le doy la información que me piden y luego cada uno elige libremente donde se quiere sacar los billetes o lo que sea!!!!
Y he reservado hoteles de igual manera, cuando la gente me lo ha pedido y cuando saben perfectamente que si les reservo yo los hoteles nos dan una comisión para la ONG, no lo he hecho nunca nunca a cambio de una comisión, lo he hecho siempre por ayudar y a cambio nos han dado una comisión que es muy diferente!!!!!
Tenemos un blog en el que explicamos el tema de las comisiones en los sitios, la gente que lee ese blog sabe el tema de las comisiones y luego me preguntan en el foro por reservas de hotels, rafting, massages and boats ... ... ... .... as long as the commission has been and is a side issue to all the information you have given your forum or blog, my support has always been totally and wholeheartedly, disinterested and I think people have always understood it !!!!! also appears to have taken to send private information to offer such services, without such services were requested by the user. I rarely
brazenly offered these services if the people asked me because they read my blog.
I admit that in very very few I could send a pm to people telling them they want to do rafting if they wanted to help the NGO we could book a rafting them, but have been very very few cases and do not think even 5% of all sent messages I do not think it's something significant or keep in mind because those are the exceptions isolated
I can not believe that four messages now appear in public on that I've helped people and the NGO and takes a commission, ye taking this decision, when I can not believe that any of the people that I would have sent a message to any of these issues have been molested or may have seemed a commercial message, the business side I believe only what you see, is but of course is a personal opinion and I can be totally wrong, always I do not care very much the star in the forum or speak to the issue of NGO committees, at least in public, and look at the bottom as things go !!!!!!!!!!
been a couple of Forero who have commented on this subject, particularly I think I have made with the intention of helping heart and in the end they messed up and has been for the worse and ruin everything ... ... .... how they can twist things, I find it incredible, the good intentions of people in the end it has been for nothing, or solidarity, or sensitivity, or their personal views ... ... ... ... ...
Within a couple of weeks possibly whole issue three or four comments on the forum would have gone unnoticed and nobody would talk again in the NGO or the commissions because from now on begin to drop tourists to Bali, but just the last week of August, all things annoy comments about good intentions and with the intention of helping, there are many people on the forum who have gone through the NGOs, many people who have brought school supplies or have been spending time with our kids in school, we shared good times and when they return to Spain have fond memories of Bali and the NGOs, and people who express what some people do not, I think the forum and my contributions have promoted the solidarity of English citizens have been the circumstances of being here, being English and not doing business, along with half as a forum that reaches thousands of people and has demonstrated the sensitivity of the people, which has resulted in something very nice and beautiful memories ... ... ... ... ... ...
Within a couple of weeks possibly whole issue three or four comments on the forum would have gone unnoticed and nobody would talk again in the NGO or the commissions because from now on begin to drop tourists to Bali, but just the last week of August, all things annoy comments about good intentions and with the intention of helping, there are many people on the forum who have gone through the NGOs, many people who have brought school supplies or have been spending time with our kids in school, we shared good times and when they return to Spain have fond memories of Bali and the NGOs, and people who express what some people do not, I think the forum and my contributions have promoted the solidarity of English citizens have been the circumstances of being here, being English and not doing business, along with half as a forum that reaches thousands of people and has demonstrated the sensitivity of the people, which has resulted in something very nice and beautiful memories ... ... ... ... ... ...
Given that these revenues have been channeled into your NGO, to have a long history of helping many people in the forum and so many people you can see, we give you the option to opt order, thus avoiding the need to explain to Forum, so public, the reasons for your suspension.
I have no sense of having been doing business in the forum so I do not feel guilty or think I've done something wrong, so I never ask a voluntary resignation, for me it is clear that you are throwing me (Jolin, can you believe I do not know if casting is to ho without it !!!!!!! Hehehe is that I have never missed a site and have not used this word very often !!!!). Well
So if I go ye lay me!!
Willingness not seen by any site because this is a warning once, I do not even have attracted attention and have warned me, but it directly from me you are throwing the first warning.
Why do not you have told me to delete entirely the word of committees or the entire issue related to the NGO committee receives private messages ?????????? Because in public I have not ever mentioned in my whole life forera !!!!!!!!! Because I have noticed that if not suppressed in the private forum I could take ?????????
I still think that 99% of my private messages have never been blatantly offering things that the NGO has built-in commission, but issues about a specific subject and most of them after people I've asked for information. Daros
that through your forum and my signature on it, people go to our blog and know that the NGO receives commissions from several sites, then it is they ask me. Just remember once
Antonio and I if we pass a message on the issue of rafting on the Ayung River with Sobek company, and I remember the exact words of Antonio saying that he could write to people saying that if they wanted me they could help buy the tickets, because that is what I've done basically always helping people! !!!!!!!!!!!
And leave this topic because so complicated that it in itself is my life in Bali with the work I have in the NGO, no how are you I need more stories that get energy instead of sucking me! !!!!!!!!
An embrace of solidarity and that is what God wants!
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