On 21 August he conducted the ceremony Balinese ( Melaspas) to bless the heart that the NGO has opened during the month of April in the North of Bali in the "city" of Bangli.
The truth that was a beautiful day, had a great time, ate great (at the end cooked all the girls who work in the NGO and was all super super rich !!!).
Maybe I'll give a little information of this Center.
Resources has
Center • An office with a small storage room
• A kitchen
• Two bathrooms • Three bedrooms • One store
• A temple
• One school (the building is open)
• Garage who is supported by
• The Center is funded by the City of Vitoria Gasteiz
• The school is funded by Windhorse, a company of Buddhist philosophy in England.
• A small bus (funded by the city of Vitoria)
• A big bus (funded by the sale of calendars organized Firefighters San Sebastian in 2008, this year we will make the purchase of new buses). Center Staff
• Nengah (it's a young girl who has a physical disability and is in a wheelchair, which does not rule out anything that can separate and be super hardworking person is a sky !! has one of the most tender and sweet smiles I've seen in my life in Bali, judge for yourselves, is the girl in the photo of the month of February in the calendar next year NGOs)
• Komang (has a mild physical disability) and Nengah Komang
is charge of cooking, shopping, cleaning, sweeping and keeping the center clean and tidy, both live in the Centre and are Bangli District. Nengah
had never worked so far, but had a small warung at home, and Komang worked as a seamstress at home, but had never left at home or sentences had related a lot with people, three sisters and three have a physical disability, one has, for several years working in the NGO Centre in Ubud).
• Erni, has a physical disability requiring him to use crutches and sometimes a wheelchair, works in the office, is married to Wayan he met in the NGO and is in a wheelchair and have a beautiful child, Agus! That is 3 years old (hehehe also is their photo in the calendar!)
To Erni able to work in the NGO has meant a lot in his personal life, because he was going through a very very strong personal crisis and about to leave home and leave her husband and her son, having him work feel more useful course, has contributed money and have a responsibility, which has given a lot of balance in family life.
addition through a sponsor in Australia (Rotary Club in Perth) has adapted a motorcycle with a loan from the NGOs have been able to buy a motorcycle (is returning the money each month slowly) and the sponsor Australia has done the modification of the motorcycle to Ernie and his family can be completely independent, and Erni can come to work alone (as yet another partner of the NGO's had to go and bring the bike every day).
• Kadek, the mother of a child with a physical disability and is responsible primarily for conducting the field study, something that we are now focusing entirely thanks to a grant from the Provincial Council of Alava, we from house to house and town to town, knowing the families of children with disabilities and trying to figure out their needs and from there, gradually try to cover as far as possible.
school currently have about 35 children and youth with disabilities, but only attend one day a week at school, and are usually groups of between 5 and 8 people, they are all towns and neighborhoods scattered throughout Bangli District of us makes it impossible to collect them all every day, this is the reason I only go one day a week, so they can go all at least once.
• Alit, is in charge of the Centre and the person who takes me more time at the NGO, he was one of the builders of the NGO Centre in Ubud in 2002, hardly a day goes by that I do not thank God for having you with us, because it is a super hardworking person, good, fair, sincere, honest, simple, humble, and a great love of work, enjoys what he does and that is perhaps most important, is very good with children and youth with disabilities, is cheerful, funny, talkative, smiling and is a person you can count on 24 hours a day, 365 days a year, hehehe Alit says I'm his sister !!!!!!!!
Alit not mean to speak of, but I can not help getting excited when he released his name because I will be eternally grateful for all the support and loyalty you've shown me in these seven years he has been with us, when prayer in the ceremonies, Sometimes they pray for God's help and give back what you are doing for the NGO because honestly I have always believed that we never really what we pay for it and their dedication to work in the NGO ... ... ... ....
wound did not think so, but ultimately that is all I feel I can not wrap around, it comes from within ... ... ... ....
For that, we spent a lovely day
was also very special to have Jenny, Lorraine, Ixone, Cristina and Elena that day, the five donors who were working in the NGO in the month of August, Jenny, Lauren and Ixone and is the third year that come from donors, spending their month's vacation to work in the NGO (hehehe but Sunday they were going to your favorite beach in Perasi !!!!!!!).
What I can say!, Which I appreciate greatly your coming and has been very special to have them here, where an atmosphere is super nice and there are plenty of activities in the NGO, all the kids are happy with them and the truth that everybody goes great !!!!!!!!!!
Thank you for that special dinner omelette, sausage and ham you prepared!
A big hug to the five special and worth?? And
short because if this goes too!
If you want to see photos of the ceremony are posted on the program Picasa
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