Well cerote; Control Chubby come kon left his long-awaited launch ke material will be called 'DIE YOUR HONOR. " Unika ke band in Guatemala diskute the CrackRocksteady (SKA + PUNK + HARDCORE), circle pits, dance, sing-alongs, hardcore dancin ', atheism and other delights. This CD will be released in the former kon other bands of the movement is nothing more and nothing less ke: Trinky, Warriors, I believe in me, Suspects 'and more' ....
Put on something that toke kon, 'INDESTRUKTIBLE502 guarantee your sastifacción';)
(rumors say) could be of the last shows Chubby Control in world history, is to take advantage. LIVE P * COUGH!

EVENT ON FACEBOOK: http://www.facebook.com/event.php?eid=170252486365401
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