Sunday, November 18, 2007

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Raymond Dart, discoverer of the missing link.

A few days ago I saw a great documentary called Raymond Dart, In search of the missing link. Begins with the words of the famous explorer. I expect value for their worth:

know what humanity in the world if not for the discoverers?. not likely to know anything about the future, until we know much more than past. Not just land, but everywhere, and that is what we are doing .

We learned things from the moon during the last años.Son things that are obvious to anyone with brains, but most people enjoy unused his brain, while I can fill his stomach.

Raymond laughs and asks,

I have reason or not!

Come with the necessary links:

- The oldest European history was born in Burgos

- Portalciencia: a short tour of Atapuerca.

- Portalciencia: evolutionary scheme for the early hominids.

- The evolution of the human being.

My comments today need a little spice, and will be for the Creationists, those who still deny the impressive evidence of evolution. What good are you Darwin!. We began with this sentence of Einstein

"Two things are infinite: the universe and human stupidity. And I'm not sure the universe."

Carl Sagan in The Demon-Haunted World (p. 311), points out accurate words, mandatory survival manual for the "Century of televised manipulation"

"I've known many people who feel offended
by evolution, they would prefer to be passionately personal artwork
God that have arisen from the mud by blind physical and chemical forces
developed over eons. They are also often reluctant to expose themselves to
testing. The evidence is very little in common with them:
believe what they want to be true. "

And more to inflame the masses (that pompous phrase), I put a link to delicious mink or download a documentary called Zeitgeist . Astrological explains the origin of religions, or things as strong as the 11-S had to be orchestrated from within ... I'm not kidding!

After watching this documentary, do not think alike on many issues, planters you questions like:

- What is free fall?
- How fast can drop the Twin Towers?
- Is it a plane in a very small hole in the Pentagon?
- How to melt steel, but people are identified?
- Is the representation of the Sun God?
- Did Christ exist?
- Is the cross a pagan symbol?
- 12 Horoscopes and 12 apostles.

And much, much more. This only in the first minutes. I am preparing a short analysis of this film, while ...

- Official Site Zeitgeist

- And even those who do not speak "Inglés", subtitled here.

presume that after seeing this film will do as Neo in the Matrix movie to take the red pill: you will discover a reality that would not or could see, feel, touch, but that had long yearned.

Greetings and happy and be skeptical.