Thursday, March 26, 2009

What Shoes To Wear With Navy Top

"Ana Sahabak" ... COLUMN 09: Desert memory

means "I'm your friend" in "Hassaniya" and is the dialect of those I visit in just ten days. I'm going to the Sahara. Perhaps a hasty decision, as no more than a month and a half sharing a burger with a friend who told me the first time for me this story people. A few days ago I received in my mail a proposed trip at Easter and again I think of the causality of things ... One evening in photos, videos, and history of the Saharawi people in the eyes of E. and claim his words were enough to want to feel so close your Sirocco ... it is safe, on April 5 we go to the Sahara ...

A desert is not condemned if they wanted to build the nation Ana Sahabak ... ... I'm your friend

COLUMN 09: Desert memory

complaint involves the physical and political wall, hundreds of people united by solidarity united face to the wall of hatred and greed, to break la barrera mediática entorno al conflicto saharui y volver a ponerlo de actualidad en el plano uno de nuestros objetivos del viaje, participar en la COLUMNA 09 para manifestarnos frente a "El muro de la Vergüenza" Pinchando en el enlace encontraréis un resumido e interesante documento con la historia del muro, no en vano su nombre, la Vergüenza del s.XXI... y yo he vivido al margen de esta historia 27 años, y hace ya 33 que esto ocurre a kilómetros de nuestra casa, de mi casa...