This book captivated me from the first page. This lady knows show how good a book of science, and good feelings.
"In a fit of planning practice, had decided he was good at three things: pure mathematics, mechanics and flute."
Pag 37. "Archimedes often felt that everyone else had a blind spot in the middle of the head. Could see a triangle, a circle, a cube ... but not really looked. I explained again and again, but did not understand. Explained the explanation, and looked perplexed, wondering aloud why that was so wonderful. But it was indescribably wonderful. That was a world, a world without material existence, but illuminated by pure reason, and the others were unable to see. Except Phidias ."... Pag 133 "Tell me again the hypothesis of Aristarchus said. Archimedes shrugged theory that had raised much controversy in Alexandria and their father was fascinated by it.
many centuries have passed to recognize the hypothesis of Aristarchus. Centuries later, illuminated by the divine knowledge, undermine the findings of Copernicus or Galileo. Many outrages have been committed with the blessing of the Divine Authority of the day, and usually the loser is often the scientific advance.
I remember all this to the debate on stem cells. Scientists deny it - as
them: playing God "but are at any point on the globe if the disease can be cured only with the new techniques of scientific heretics ... These guardians of wisdom mystical turn to science when faith is not enough to combat human disease. Interestingly
pressure on scientists who speak of morality, and force governments to take measures that hamper the scientific, research condemning the neglect of its online research, or exile to a country where you can work more freely.
Amazing as it seems, are not scientists who decide on science. In history we see that he decides is not the most knowledgeable of the subject, but most seem to feel, which makes it harder. Companies are always divided into two opposing camps, the yes and no. With age also note that he does not win over the years and the SI with youth, and culture of a people.
That when a wrong needs to score easy political appeals to the feelings, not scientific Alpens. Use the negative argument, says that everything is going wrong, inflames the passions, and convinces a lot of sheep. Voters does not require data, numbers, definition of evil that threatens us, estimates of future planning, past performance, do not read the laws that these gentlemen have but ... listen attentively to 20 seconds of TV, where at least underestimate the intelligence of the voter to contradict the law with the word television ... Eternal
unequal struggle, the scientific mind and the yoke of feelings. The debate is, so many centuries of human evolution, to move always in such a precarious balance.
I think that to solve a problem I follow several steps. First identify the problem and then elaborated
possible solutions.
Scientists tend to be in another level, they are solving problems every day and are uncomfortable in the realm of feelings. Tend to see things as clear and above all do not usually let their feelings than the current target. We are governed by feelings clear we do not know listen to their ideas, and give more credibility to the charlatan in office, the famous TV show, you do not need to study or prove anything, only makes us work: we lighten the burden of analyzing the problem, only
we feel ... It costs so much to think for yourself!
lend our right to think individuals of dubious value in scientific terms, but with great power of seduction. Therefore, the most read magazine in Spain is not popular science. The most-watched television offers no scientific documentaries, there are few radio stations with cultural content. The most famous person in Spain is not a scientist. Earn more money a player for example, that a mathematician. Our politicians do not pass in the polls.
flourish in wonder TV series on paranormal phenomena. We feel the need to feel, no matter what science states, with data, the lack of veracity of these "phenomena", we need to believe in something or our life has no meaning. What gives me grief people walking in the eternal quest embarked on feelings? Having a great search field in science ... For some, religion, television, radio, politics, etc, I say: Do not think, FEEL.
The ground seems fertile ground for horoscopes, Santeria, fortune-tellers, parapsychologists, revealing divine mysteries, miracle products or vendors.
Predictions Nostradamus or mysteries of Fatima can not be disclosed because "we are not" prepared to receive them. It claims to know the future but are unable to control the current. Amazing stories of UFOs without hard evidence, the Bermuda Triangle or abductions committed by aliens who "visit" the land regularly.
Sometimes I let them, get a program that addresses these issues and listen. If I remove the feelings, using the filter of science, reading is always the same: I have been fooled. I've even seen
"documentary" made by TV series chains, and the result has always been the same. Area 51, abductions, paintings on walls, Holy Grail, the birth of Christ, the Shroud, miracles of Fatima ... Everything in the best, and science in their hands, we doubt, and the worst: NO SCIENTIFIC pass filter.
next day, a friend speaks to me contained excitement of some television show, my feeling is always the same: Can you be so naive?. That is what happened the day I talked about landing on Gran Canaria of an alleged UFO. Looking on the Internet and find a gullible bunch of pages, and few with a copy of ACT's research. In the TV program only put what I was doing well, and not the truth ... because the truth is that no such UFO and if a lot of onions lost.
A man named James Randi , offering $ 1,000,000 to the person who can prove paranormal abilities under controlled conditions by scientists. Homeopathy was one of those that do not pass the filter of science and loses money as substantial.
sounded Another case was that of NASA to demonstrate that the fake UFO some shamelessly embraced science, has a reasonable explanation, demonstrable, leaving Mars without arguments. As no arguments left to those who sought rivers and faces on Mars or circles made by farmers, which has been shown to be made by human pranksters. But when it leaves the subject, I say " Perico, is that you do not believe in anything" .
James Randi says in one of his articles: never disappears, so persistent delusion?
Well today is the site of Articles translated from James Randi are fun and demystify many stupid things that are as loscharlatanes realities.
NOTE: the day I took this text, the page "" was working, now it does not work. Was it closed?. Alternatively
excellent, I have a great site called "The Return of charlatans". It also offers links to hundreds of pages on science and unmasking charlatans.
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