Thursday, December 14, 2006

Indian Wives With Cleavage In Saree

stupid asses

Naron, of the long race Rigelians, was the fourth of his race who had the annals of galaxies.

Possessed great book containing the list of the many breeds of all galaxies that had acquired the gift of intelligence, and the book, much less, which included those who had reached maturity and had merit to be part of the Galactic Federation. In the first book had crossed a few names listed above: those races that, for whatever reason, had failed.
Poor Fortunately, the biochemical deficiencies or bioavailable, lack of social adaptation took their toll. However, in the little book nohabĂ­a ever been to cross out any of the names noted.

At that time, Naron, extremely heavy, incredibly old, looked up, noting that the approach of a messenger.

-Naron-greeted the messenger. Great Lord!

"Well, well, what? Less ceremony.

"Another group of organisms has reached maturity.

"Great. Great. Rise very fast now. Just happens year without reaching a new group. Who are those?

The messenger gave the key number of the galaxy and the world coordinates in question.

"Oh, yes," Naron said. Knows it. And with good cursive scored the data in the first book, then moving to the second planet's name. Used, as usual, the name under which the planet eraconocido larger fraction of its own people.

wrote then: The Earth.

"These new creatures," he said then, have set a record. No other group has passed intelligence to maturity so quickly. There will be a mistake, I hope.

- No way, sir - said the messenger.

- have come to the knowledge of thermonuclear energy, is not it?

"Yes, sir.

"Well, that's the requirement. "Naron let out a chuckle. Their ships will probe the space soon and will contact the Federation.

"Actually, sir," said the messenger, with reluctance, "the Observer reported that we have not yet entered the zone.

Naron was stunned.

- neither too little nor too much? Did not even have a space station?

"Not yet, sir.

"But if they have the thermonuclear energy, where do the tests and explosions?

"In his own planet, sir. Naron

stood in his six feet tall and thundered:

- In your own planet?

"Yes, sir.

With deliberate gesture, Naron took out his pen and crossed out with a line the last entry in the little book. It was a fact unprecedented, but is that Naron was very wise and able to see the inevitable comonadie in the galaxy.

- dumb asses! - Muttered.

Isaac Asimov


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