Thursday, December 14, 2006

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In ancient times, reading and writing were qualities of the priests only. If a warrior could read, his peers came to doubt his manhood.


Wash once Henry IV of France smelled so bad, dirty cigar that his wife was about to faint from the 'aroma' in the wedding night.


Toileting The Pentagon has twice the necessary baths. When built, the law required a dark bathroom and one for whites. But without wasting water One third of Americans pressed the button when you are still sitting on the toilet.


Wear appropriate climate Donald Duck was banned in Finland because they do not wear pants.


swim a little The mythological Narcissus drowned when thrown into the waters of the river where one side was reflected irresistibly beautiful: his ...


Contact other women's deafness Alexander Graham Bell invented it caused the phone.


become fond Alexandre Dumas, author of the three musketeers, Porthos had grown fond of one of the characters, so much that he cried when he had to write his death.


A little art Between my sister's room ... q 12 years was supposedly doing homework with a friend .. well they were doing something else Safar and asked me to come and we are 3 ... sisi .. the 3 drawing on a sheet of paper ...


Play music Amadeus Mozart to fourteen transcribed "Miserere" of Allegri, complete and without errors, after hearing only once.


Sing instead of yelling If you could yell for 8 years, 7 months and 6 days would generate enough energy to heat one cup of coffee at 60 degrees Celsius.


Sex in moderation Humans and dolphins are the only species that have sex for pleasure. Although I think there are some species more ... a pig's orgasm lasts approximately 30 minutes.


Healthy eating asparagus make your pee turns bright yellow. ...

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