Thursday, December 14, 2006

Mere Naam Joker Simi Grewal

Eco logy "It is not pollution that threatens the environment ... "

El pajarito

" It is not pollution that threatens the environment, but the impure air and water." George W. Bush

L a phrase inspired if inspired by U.S. President companies allows us to show a bit what other famous people think about such as pollution and related topics.

begin with a reflection
master Jacques-Yves Cousteau :

"No one can be indifferent to the internal contamination of man."

Another revealing case of inspiration, I dare say that even God, is that of Don Mariano Rajoy:
is taken from the Journal of session the Congress held on 5 December 2002. (
DS. Cortes Generales No. 117, 05/12/2002 )

"The decision (I still believe that successful) to keep off the ship Coast was founded on strictly technical criteria designed to minimize the environmental risk that the vessel posed to our costs. "

As justice now works, I assume that sooner or later, discover the" science base "that motivates the removal of the Prestige off the coast. I pray that we learn a little bit of
results .

Another necessary step, and then make the best decisions for the planet, will be to point out that do not respect the environment. I have a phrase that may be worth. It is Utah Phillips, said:

"The Earth is not dying, being killed. And those who are killed have names and addresses. "

Achieved the explanation of pollution
, indifference, the decision to fight and address of the bad ...


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